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Air Freight vs Ocean Freight: Four Considerations For Your Business

Written by WTA | 10 Sep 2021

One of the earliest decisions you'll have to make during the shipping process is between air and ocean freight. This decision determines how your cargo is delivered. In air freight, your shipment is carried out by a cargo plane, while in ocean freight, it is provided by a cargo ship. This decision can have substantial effects on your supply chain. 

Generally, the choice for what service you should choose depends on your priorities as a business. In this article, we'll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option to help you decide whether air or ocean freight is right for your business.

Choosing Between Air Shipments vs Ocean Shipments

There are several advantages and disadvantages that each service can offer your business. The choice should depend on what you as the shipper finds most important. Here are four considerations you can make to help decide which service to choose:

What is the Cost of Air Freight vs Ocean Freight?

Cost can be one of the most important considerations when it comes to any business undertaking. A well-budgeted logistical supply chain can have a very positive impact on your bottom line. Generally, air freight will be the most expensive option; however, there are some circumstances where this isn't true. 

For air shipments, the price is usually determined based on the 'chargeable weight.' This value is determined through a combination of the cargo's size and weight. In comparison, sea carriers charge per container. While weight can factor into the price of sea shipments, they tend to be based mainly on the total cubic meters the cargo takes up inside of a container. 

With larger or heavier shipments, it is usually better to ship by sea. However, as sizes get smaller, the difference between air and ocean shipments costs does as well. For minimally sized items, air shipment can often even end up cheaper. In general, anything over 500kg starts to become expensive. 

It's also important to consider the destination charges. Both air and ocean shipments will have customs and destination fees. However, the warehousing fees at seaports are often much more expensive than those at airports.

How Fast is Air Freight vs Ocean Freight?

Delivery time can also be an essential consideration for many shipments. If your delivery is urgent, you may be willing to pay a higher price to make sure it arrives sooner than it might otherwise. Under almost all circumstances, air freight will be the fastest option for your cargo. While many sea shipments can take upwards of a month to arrive, most air shipments will take a day or two at most. 

With this said, technology has been allowing ships to move much faster than they once did. Canals have allowed for the creation of much shorter shipping routes. Some ocean freight shipments can take as little as eight days to be delivered, so it may be worth checking before investing in an air freight shipment.

How Reliable is Air Freight vs Ocean Freight?

Reliability is essential for many businesses. If one of your shipments gets delayed and no longer makes it to the end customer, it can negatively impact your brand. In general, air freight is the most reliable option when it comes to shipping. While sea vessels are built to overcome extreme weather conditions, harsh weather and currents can still cause unexpected delays. Weather can also affect air cargo; however, the versatility and speed of the shipment mean that disruptions cause a minimal delay overall.

What is the Environmental Impact of Air Freight vs Ocean Freight?

Environmental policy is vital for many businesses. If you target an environmentally conscious market or put stock in being a 'green' brand, it may be worth considering which option is better for the environment. By far, ocean freight is the least polluting option of the two. Airfreight has a much larger carbon footprint than shipments made by sea and produces substantially more CO2. However, sea vessels can also create oil spills, harming the water's ecosystem. Before organising your shipment, it might be helpful to investigate the environmental policies of your partners.

Is Air Freight or Ocean Freight Better for my Business?

Air freight and ocean freight both have their advantages and disadvantages. While air freight specialises in speed and reliability, ocean freight has the advantage of cost and environmental impact. Deciding which is better for your business is determining which of these factors matters to you most.

If you're still unsure about which service is right for your business, you can get help by consulting an international shipping expert. WTA UK can help you find a solution to your delivery needs. Contact us to find out more.