Explaining the Lean Supply Chain concept

In the fast-paced world of logistics and supply chain management, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Adopting a lean approach to your supply chain can be a game-changer, offering a pathway to enhanced efficiency,...

Understanding Incoterms: Are they legally binding?

In the realm of international trade, precise and standardised communication is vital to ensure smooth transactions and avoid misunderstandings between parties involved. One essential tool in achieving this clarity is the use of International...

5 Ways Technology Can Enhance Your Manufacturing Supply Chain

In the current economic climate, with manufacturers battling high interest rates and skills shortages, many within the sector are looking to new innovative solutions to stay ahead of the next challenge, and the competition. One such area which...

HS Codes FAQs: Everything You Need to Know

Anyone involved in international trade has come across the term “HS Code”. Now whether you are an experienced shipper or taking your first international step, the classification of your goods is something you can’t afford to get wrong. HS codes,...

Export your way out of a recession.

No matter where you sit on the political spectrum, it is undeniable that the UK economy is facing turbulent times. If the various news headlines and forecasts are to be believed, the UK is expected to spend a large portion of 2023 in an economic...

Speak to Scott.

Scott Wallis Heads up the research team at WTA. He ensures our research, analysis, news, commentary and podcasts are aligned to the needs of our customers. Have any questions?